Pada suatu hari,
hiduplah sebuah keluarga dipesisir pantai wilayah Sumatra. Keluarga itu
mempunyai seorang anak yang diberi nama malin kundang. Karena kondisi keluarga
mereka sangat memprihatinkan maka ayah malin memutuskan untuk pergi ke negeri
Besar harapan malin
dan ibunya, suatu hari nanti ayahnya pulang dengan membawa uang banyak yang
nantinya dapat untuk membeli keperluan sehari hari. Setelah berbulan bulan
lamanya ternyata ayah malin tidak kunjung datang, dan akhirnya pupuslah harapan
malin kundang dan ibunya.
Setelah malin
kundang beranjak dewasa, ia berfikir untuk mencari nafkah di negeri sebrang
dengan harapan nantinya ketia kembali ke kampong halaman, ia sudah menjadi
seorang yang kaya raya. Akhirnya malin kundang ikut berlayar bersama dengan
seorang nahkoda kapal dagang di kampong halamannya yang sudah sukses.
Selama beradda di
kapal, malin kundang banyak belajar tentang ilmu pelayaran pada anak buah kapal
yang sudah berpengalaman. Malin belajar dengan tekun tentang perkapalan pada
teman temannya yang lebih berpengalaman, dan akhirnya dia sangat mahir dalam hal
Banyak pulau sudah
dikunjunginya, sampai dengan suatu hari di tengah perjalanan , tiba tiba kapal
yang dinaiki malin kundang diserang oleh bajak laut. Semua barang dagangan para
pedagang yang berada di kapal dirampas oleh bajak laut. Bahkan sebagian besar
awak kapal dan orang yang berada di kapal tersebut dibunuh oleh para bajak
laut. Malin kundang sangat beruntung dirinya tidak dibunuh oleh para bajak
laut, karena ketika peristiwa itu terjadi, malin segera bersembunyi di sebuah
ruang kecil yang tertutup oleh kayu.
Malin kundang
terkatung katung ditengah laut, hingga akhirnya kapal yang ditumpanginya
terdampar disebuah pantai. Dengan sisa tenaga yang ada, malin kundang berjalan
menuju kedesa yang terdekat dari pantai. Sesampainya di desa tersebut, malin
kundang ditolong oleh masyarakat di desa tersebut setelah sebelumnya
menceritakan kejadian yang menimpanya. Desa tempat malin tedampar adalah desa
yang sangat subur. Dengan keuletan dan kegigihannya dalam bekerja, malin lama
kelamaan berhasil menjadi seorang yang kaya raya. Ia memiliki banyak kapal
dagang dengan anak buah yang jumlahnya lebih dari 100 orang. Setelah menjadi
kaya raya, malin kundang mempersunting seorang gadis untuk menjadi isterinya.
Setelah beberapa
lama menikah, malin dan istrinya melakukan pelayaran dengan kapal yang besar
dan indah disertai anak buah kapal serta pengawalnya yang banyak. Ibu malin
kundang yang setiap hari menuggui anaknya, melihat kapal yang sangat indah itu,
masuk ke pelabuhan. Ia melihat ada dua orang yang sedang berdiri diatas geladak
kapal. Ia yakin kalau yang sedang berdiri itu adalah anaknya malin kundang
beserta istrinya.
Malin kundangpun
turun dari kapal. Ia disambut oleh ibunya. Setelah cukup dekat, ibunya melihat
bekas luka di lengan kanan orang tersebut, semakin yakinlah ibunya bahwa yang
ia dekati adalah malin kundang.” Malin kundang, anakku, mengapa kau pergi begitu lama tanpa
mengirimkan kabar?”, katanya sambil memeluk malin kundang. Tetapi kundang
segera melepaskan pelukan ibunya dan mendorongnya hingga terjatuh.”wanita tidak
tau diri, sembarangan saja mengaku sebagai ibuku”, kata malin kundang kepada
ibunya. Malin kundang pura pura tidak mengenali ibunya, karena malu dengan
ibunya yang sudah tua dan mengenakan baju compang camping.
” Wanita itu ibumu ?”, Tanya istri malin
kundang.”tidak, ia hanya seorang pengemis yang pura pura mengaku sebagai ibuku
agar mendapatkan hartaku” sahut malin terhadap istrinya. Mendengar pernyataan
dan dilakukan semena mena oleh anaknya, ibu malin kundang sangat marah. Ia
tidak menduga anaknya menjadi anak durhaka. Karena kemarahannya yang memuncak,
ibu malin menengadahkan tanganya samba berkata “ oh tuhan kalau benar dia
anakku, aku sumpahi dia menjadi sebuah batu.” Tidak berapa lama kemudian angin
bergemuruh kencang dan badai dahsyat datang menghancurkan kapal malin kundang.
Setelah itu tubuh malin kundang perlahan menjadi kaku dan lama kelamaan
akhirnya berbentuk menjadi sebuah batu karang.
Once upon the time,
there lived a family in the beach of west Sumatra. That family had a son named
malin kundang. Because the condition of their family was very terrible. So the
malin’s father decided to go away to across country.
Malin and his
mother had a big expectation that one day his father came home with a lot of
money that can be used to buy daily needs. After months, the father never came
back. And finally their expectation was fade.
After Malin Kundang
grew up, he thought to find money in across country with expectation when he
came back to his village, he became a rich man. Finally, Malin
Kundang joined to sail with perch of the
merchant ship that was success in his village.
During on the ship,
Malin Kundang learned much about sailing science from the experienced crew of
the ship. Malin learned engrossed about shipping from his friends who had a lot
of experiences. And finally, he was the master of shipping.
Many islands have been visited, up to a
day on the way, suddenly Malin Kundang’s ship attacked by pirates. Most of the crew
and people on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin Kundang
very lucky, he was not killed by the pirates, because when it happened, Malin
Kundang hid under a small space which enclosed by the timber.
Malin Kundang floated in the
ocean until finally the host ship stranded on a beach. With the remaining staff, Malin
Kundang walked to closest village to the
beach. Arriving in the
village master Kundang helped by people in the village.
He told the incident that happened to him. Malin Kundang marooned villages
where the village was very fertile. With tenacity and perseverance in working,
Malin Kundang gradually became a wealthy man. He had many fruit merchant ships with the children
of more than 100 people. After becoming wealthy master Kundang married a girl to become
his wife.
After some
time married, Malin and his wife make
the voyage with a large and beautiful ship with the crew and a lot of
bodyguards. Malin Kundang’s
mother that every day waiting for his
son, saw a very beautiful ship, went to the harbor. He saw two people who were standing on the deck of a ship. He believed that it was her son
standing with his wife.
Malin Kundang stepped down from
the ship. He was greeted by his
mother. Once close enough, his mother saw
at the right arm dozen injured person, to more
convince his mother, she was approached Malin Kundang.
"Malin Kundang, my son, why did you
go so long
without news?” he said, then hugging
Malin Kundang. But
Kundang immediately release her mother's arms and pushed him up to
fall. "Women who do not know me,
confessing as my mother said carelessly,” said
Malin Kundang at
his mother. Malin Kundang pretended not to recognize her mother, because
of shame with her mother who is old
and wearing tattered
clothes. "She was your mother?” the
wife of Malin Kundang asked.
"No, he was just
a beggar who
pretended to be admitted as a mom to get my property,”
Malin said to
his wife. Hearing statement and treated
arbitrarily by his
son, the mother of Malin Kundang
very angry. He
did not expect him
to be rebellious child. Because of mounting
anger, Malin's mother tipped his hand, saying "Oh God, if he
is really my son, I oath he became a stone.” Not long after the wind storm
roared loud and
came to destroy the
Malin’s ship. After that, Malin Kundang body
slowly becomes rigid
and in time they finally
shaped into a
Where did the family of Malin Kundang live?
a. West Java
b. North Sumatra
Sumatra Island
West Sumatra
e. South Borneo
What did Malin Kundang think after he grew up?
a. He wanted to be a strong man
b. He decided to marry with a beautiful woman
He thought to find
money in across country
d. He wanted to meet his father
e. He decided to continue his study
“....he thought to find money....” the word “he” in the pharagraph 3 refers to...
Malin Kundang
b. Malin Kundang’s mother
c. Malin’s wife
d. The bodyguard
e. Pirates
Why did Malin Kundang was not killed by the pirates?
Because he had a magic power
Malin Kundang hid under a small space wich enclosed by the timber
Because when it happened, the pirates were killed by
Malin Kundang
Because the pirates were scary to kill Malin Kundang
Because Malin Kundang ran away
What did Malin Kundang say about his mother to his wife?
My son
Malin’s mother
Malin kundang
Once upon the
time, there lived a family in the beach of west Sumatra. That family had a
son named malin kundang. Because the condition of their family was very
terrible. So the malin’s father decided to go away to across country.
Malin and his
mother had a big expectation that one day his father came home with a lot of
money that can be used to buy daily needs. After months, the father never
came back. And finally their expectation was fade.
After Malin
Kundang grew up, he thought to find money in across country with expectation
when he came back to his village, he became a rich man. Finally, Malin
Kundang joined to sail with perch of the
merchant ship that was success in his village.
During on the
ship, Malin Kundang learned much about sailing science from the experienced
crew of the ship. Malin learned engrossed about shipping from his friends who
had a lot of experiences. And finally, he was the master of shipping.
Many islands have been visited, up to a
day on the way, suddenly Malin Kundang’s ship attacked by pirates. Most of the
crew and people on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin Kundang very lucky, he was not killed by the pirates,
because when it happened, Malin Kundang hid under a small space which
enclosed by the timber.
Malin Kundang floated in the
ocean until finally the host ship stranded on a beach. With the
remaining staff, Malin Kundang walked to closest village to the
beach. Arriving in
the village master Kundang helped by people in the village. He told the incident that happened to him. Malin
Kundang marooned villages where the village was very fertile.
With tenacity and perseverance in working, Malin Kundang gradually became a
wealthy man. He had
many fruit merchant ships with the children of more than 100 people. After becoming
wealthy master Kundang married a girl to become his wife.
After some
time married, Malin and his wife make
the voyage with a large and beautiful ship with the crew and a lot of
bodyguards. Malin Kundang’s
mother that every day waiting for his
son, saw a very beautiful ship, went to the harbor. He saw two people who were standing on the deck of a
ship. He believed
that it was her son standing with his wife.
Malin Kundang stepped down from
the ship. He was greeted by his
mother. Once close enough, his mother saw
at the right arm dozen injured person, to
more convince his mother, she was
approached Malin Kundang. "Malin Kundang,
my son, why did you go so long without news?” he
said, then hugging Malin Kundang.
But Kundang immediately
release her mother's arms and pushed him up to
fall. "Women who do not know me,
confessing as my mother said carelessly,” said
Malin Kundang at
his mother. Malin Kundang pretended not to recognize her mother, because of shame with
her mother who is
old and wearing tattered clothes. "She
was your mother?” the wife of Malin Kundang
asked. "No, he was just a beggar who pretended to be admitted
as a mom to
get my property,”
Malin said to
his wife. Hearing statement and treated
arbitrarily by his
son, the mother of Malin Kundang
very angry. He
did not expect him
to be rebellious child. Because of mounting
anger, Malin's mother tipped his hand, saying "Oh God, if he
is really my son, I oath he became
a stone.” Not
long after the wind storm roared loud
and came to destroy
the Malin’s ship. After that, Malin Kundang
body slowly becomes
rigid and in
time they finally shaped
into a rock.
BalasHapustenses dalam cerita ini masih banyak yang salah dan juga ada yang seharusnya his jadi her, she jadi he jadi mohon untuk lebih diperbaiki. terima kasih